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Fortsatt utför för bilförsäljningen

Fortsatt utför för bilförsäljningen

Publicerad 4 juni 2012 (uppdaterad 4 juni 2012)
Den svenska bilbranschen fortsätter att backa. Under maj registrerades 25 759 nya bilar, en nedgång med 16,5 procent.

Statistiken som presenteras av branschorganisationen Bil Sweden visar att 117 071 nya personbilar registrerats hittills i år. Det är 9,6 procent färre jämfört med samma period förra året. Men Bertil Moldén, vd Bil Sweden, är inte förvånad.

– Minskningen av nybilsregistreringarna i maj var väntad, inte minst mot bakgrund av att vi jämför med mycket starka fjolårssiffror. Maj förra året var den tredje bästa majmånaden någonsin för personbilar, säger han i en kommentar.

Bil Swedens prognos spår att 270 000 nya personbilar ska registreras i år. Bertil Moldén ser i dagsläget inga skäl att revidera den prognosen.

– Det finns dock anledning att bevaka den fortsatta utvecklingen noga med tanke på den ekonomiska oro som råder i vår omvärld och fortsatta varsel på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, säger han.

Läs också:
Topplista maj 2012: Mest registrerade bilarna

Diskutera: Planerar du att skaffa ny bil i år?


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#b • Uppdaterat: 2012-06-09 09:56

När kom faceliften? 2007-2008 eller hur?
Håller med om att nästa generation av Octavia kommer att bli intressant att se.
Hoppas bara att priset på den nya håller en hyfsad nivå som de tidigare modellerna gjort. Det hyfsade priset är nog vad som gjort de lite populära då man får rätt mycket bil för pengarna.

#c • Uppdaterat: 2012-06-09 10:18

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#d • Uppdaterat: 2012-06-09 10:37
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#e • Uppdaterat: 2012-07-30 04:14
tyujtyw (ej verifierad)

Coach Outlet Store THE London 2012 Olympics begins tonight and looks set to be the most stylish sporting event in history - with designers from all over the world showing their support for their respective countries. Stella McCartney was the first internationally-renowned name to get into the Olympic spirit, announcing that she was designing the Team GB kit in July 2010 and unveiling the collection in full in March this year. Other labels to back their countries by creating their sports kits include Prada, who has designed kits for the Italian national sailing team; Ralph Lauren who has created the kits for the US, Giorgio Armani who has designed kits for the Italian National Olympic Team and Coach who has created kits for the French Olympic equestrian team.

Louis Vuitton Outlet Store THE first Machete Kills film poster featuring Lady Gaga has just been unveiled. The film, which also stars Amber Heard and Jessica Alba, marks Gaga's acting debut. The poster gives us a first look at Gaga's character, La Chameleon, and sees her posing in her underwear with a white wolf stole wrapped around her, toting a smoking gun. "Yes its true, I will be making my debut as an actress in the amazing MACHETE KILLS BY @RODRIGUEZ IM SO EXCITED!!! AH! Louis Vuitton Outlet Filming was insane," Gaga posted on Twitter late last night. Director Robert Rodriguez also took to the social networking site to share his excitement, tweeting: "I just finished working with @LadyGaga on @MacheteKills , she kicked SO MUCH ASS! Holy Smokes. Blown away!" Machete Kills is the sequel to the 2010 film Machete - which starred Lindsay Lohan - and is set for release next year. The singer made her film debut earlier this year in Men In Black 3, appearing as herself for a small cameo role.

Authentic Gucci COCO ROCHA and Vogue cover girl Karolina Kurkova are set to join Naomi Campbell on the panel for her new reality television show, The Face. The pair will be on hand to assist Campbell in her hunt for a new girl to become "the face" of an as-yet-unnamed brand, each leading their own team of aspiring young models. The three supermodels will be in charge of hand-picking their own group of girls, before guiding them through a series of challenges designed to recreate the real world of the modelling industry, according to a statement released by Oxygen. Gucci Outlet Casting for the reality programme is already underway in the US, with Campbell having previously announced that she's looking for "contestants who have the whole package." The show will be hosted by fashion photographer and former model Nigel Barker - who, up until he was axed last year, had been a regular on Tyra Banks' show America's Next Top Model since 2004.

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