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SEAT Ibiza blinkar 10 sekunder efter den låsts

SEAT Ibiza blinkar 10 sekunder efter den låsts

Först och främst vill jag bara ge anledningen till varför inlägget är på engelska. Detta då jag kopierar mitt inlägg jag skrev på ett engelskt forum och gör så på en mobil, så det är krasst för enkelhetens skull. Hoppas ni har överseende.

Jag har ett väldigt konstigt problem med min SEAT Ibiza 1.2 TSI.

Bilen har börjat blinka gult, som ett tyst larm (alla yttre gula lampor), när jag låser bilen. Jag har under samma vecka haft bilen på verkstad två gånger där de båda gångerna monterade bort generatorn för att lösa problemen, vilket ledde till att säkringen till generatorn gick och jag körde slut på batteriet. Efter bytt säkring gick larmet på bilen igång under körning, och inga felkoder hittas vid felsökning.
Några idéer?

I had an oil leakage and sent the car to the repair shop.
In order to change the O-ring that caused the leakage they had to remove the generator and generator mount.
They changed the O-ring, however a gasket was broken causing the car to now leak water (which they told me about).
I resent the car to the repair for this issue and to fix the gasket they had to remove the generator and generator mount once again. They fixed the gasked and I got the car back, again.
Somehow they must have messed up, because 30minutes into the drive the Battery indicator turned on and turned off but for the major part was turned on. I ended up stranted after the battery died (the generator fuse was broken so the generator didn't get any power to generate electricity). Me and my friends conclusion is that they didn't remove the battery before removing the generator causing short circuit, burning the fuse, but no proof.
I sent the car to the repair shop...again... and they changed the fuse.

All done and good you think? No, the day after while I was driving, about 5 minutes into the drive, the alarm went off. I pulled over on the highway and did all I could think of to turn off the alarm. I locked, unlocked the car with the remote and in the key. I opened and closed all doors but nothing helped. After 5 minutes the alarm just turned off of its own and I was able to drive off.
Now we've arrived to the problem.

The problem
When I lock the car, all the yellow lamps on the car starts to flash after 10-15 seconds. (Like a silent alarm going off, 'casue the alarm sound is not turned on, thank God.)

I've tried to lock the car with both the remote and the key as well as locking, and unlocking and having the car auto-lock, doesn't help.
I've tried taking off the ground to the battery in an attempt to reset the system, doesn't help.
I've tried to resync the remote with the car, doesn't help.
I've run two different system checks showing no errors.

I'm afraid to resent it to the same repair station as they clearly have no clue how a car works nad how to repair it.
I've searched online and not found anyone with a similar problem.

All hjälp är väldigt välkommen!


Uppdaterat: 2019-06-18 10:10


Fick du ngn hjälp med detta problem ?, har samma problem med min Seat Ibiza !..

Uppdaterat: 2021-09-08 14:17

Detta hände oss med vår seat igår!! Har någon av er en lösning på hur ni gjorde?

Uppdaterat: 2022-03-31 09:29