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Hej har en Nissan Primera 2000 2,0 .men då undrar jag varför lampan till airbagen lyser.Jag har sprayat med kontaktspray men ingen ändring. Vad ska jag göra åt det. En fråga till bilen rycker när man kör mellan 40-55 km/tim vad kan vara för fel hej

Uppdaterat: 2011-07-13 20:22


Hade samma fel på min 850 -93, Volvo verkstan körde en diagnos och omstart av styrenheten sedan var det ok, lampan lyser vid tändningspåslaget för att sedan slockna när motorn gått igång.

Kostnad 260 kr

Uppdaterat: 2011-09-26 16:30


I have met f big airbag problemns with my primera wagon 2002. It is maybe last nissan one.

If you ever get the airbag warning light come on for removing an airbag or other reason you cannot make it turn off without it being reset. Thanks to Slymaster for this reset procedure.

Please note, this will only work if the airbag fault that originally caused the light to iluminate has been rectified.

Reset Procedure

(a) Switch OFF the radio & Ignition

(b) Turn Ignition ON (Position II)

(c) The airbag warning light will stay on for 7 seconds and then switch off – as soon as it does

turn OFF the ignition (within 1 second of the light switching off)

(d) Wait at least 5 seconds

(e) Repeat steps (a) to (c) two more times – this is important to make sure it registers with

different modules in the car

(f) Turn ON ignition, wait 2 seconds

(g) Switch OFF Ignition (Position 0) and wait 1 second

(h) Switch ignition back ON.

(i) Airbag light should now remain unlit as long as the fault(s) causing are also addressed

Uppdaterat: 2012-01-09 20:44